Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm Back!

Hi guys! It's been awhile since I visit this page. Yes I know I quit being a GM. Some of you probably know me, some are not. Well okay I will be honest with you. I am GM AizLe before, and now I'm back with new GM name Vixen (sorry I dont know my ascii code lol). It's been 2 years since I left EGI because of some personal reason.

I am really happy that EGI family accepted me again. I want to convince my co-workers and supervisors that I'm not going to run off on them again, that I'm finally at the stage of my life where I want to commit myself long-term to a company that can offer me a good career.

Anyway, I'll be using this blog to post the latest announcements from Highstreet 5 PF server and "some" personal life of mine *-^_^-*. I hope, old players would go back as what I did.. How can I make them come back again.. Hmm...

See you all in-game!